Big News in SC, CA and more

Hello, I hope that you’re doing great!  I just came back from South Carolina where I campaigned for Ranked Choice Voting and met with Forward state leaders and volunteers who are hard at work gathering signatures for ballot status in SC.  I also did multiple press interviews and appearances; it was an invigorating trip.  Our old friend Jermaine Johnson has co-sponsored a bipartisan bill in Columbia to adopt Ranked Choice Voting. 

Today in California, we announced that Forward is teaming up with the Common Sense Party, which has 30,000 signatures on its way to 73,000 to achieve party status there.  Common Sense is led by Tom Campbell, a former member of Congress who realized that the system needs reform.  Your friends in California can now register for the Common Sense party and help move the state in a better direction.  We love working with like-minded people.  I’ll be heading to Los Angeles with former NJ Governor Christie Todd Whitman for a kick-off event in CA. 
Signature gathering efforts to certify the Forward Party have launched also in Colorado, Utah and Louisiana and are set for another 16 states this year.  Everywhere, Americans are saying “we need something new” and are rolling up their sleeves to make it happen. 
But we need your help.  Let your friends in SC, CA or any other state know that people are working hard to provide a new option for them.  Join Forward in your state.  Don’t have any friends?  I don’t believe it.  But you can always make a donation to Forward – in many ways that’s the easiest way to help. 

I had a wonderful time in South Carolina because of the chance to meet our volunteers – truly awesome people.  One of our state leads in SC, Clint, commented “I had no idea I’d make such great new friends.”  That’s what happens when you do something important – other people come together alongside you that share your values.  You get along.  And together, sometimes, you change the world. 
Let’s get to work.  Tell your friends.  And maybe make some new ones.  I have. 


An American in Ukraine


Huge Announcement re: CA!